Pathway to Surrender.

Lucas Wollschlager
3 min readMay 22, 2020


Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be. — Sonia Ricotti

Many of us are in need of embracing this element of surrender in our lives.

If you’re reading this, you’re someone who is smart, considerate, willing, and desiring to see the world as it actually is; as you actually are.

The reason why that all is important? Those traits listed above are really the precursors of experiencing a piece of surrender in our lives.

To surrender: what does that mean?

To surrender is simply to be here in the present moment.

Think about this: You and I are co-creators in this reality, in the present. We have the freedom to think for ourselves, to willfully choose a path, and make things happen in our life.

Only if we choose to be here, right now.

What is really holding us back?

For many of us, we are simply being held back from the current moment, consciously or subconsciously, due in large part to our unwillingness to let go.

What are we needing to let go of? You tell me. Too often it’s a past hurt. A wound. Our desiring for control or our unwillingness to really be vulnerable.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Why are you holding on to so many things that hurt you?
  • Why are you holding on to so many memories that don’t serve you?

Why not just let it all go?

We don’t enjoy the process of letting things go.

More often than not, letting go of a particular feeling is intimately tied to something in our past. How long are you going to beat yourself up over things until you let them go?

Trust me when I say this, it’s worth exploring letting go of whatever it is that is weighing you down.

Often times, it is so tempting to hold onto a story that we’ve become so accustomed to telling about ourselves. Why? We do this because that story is comfortable. Outside of those false narratives that we tell ourselves is the unknown and zero guarantee of any affirmation of that experience.

“The world can only see us as we see ourselves.”

Realize this: you will never live in the present moment as long as you are defining yourself by your past self.

The longer your past keeps owning you, the more unfulfilled one becomes.

Your own growth and maturation only remain constant if you are willing to be truly surrendering day after day.

The first step to embarking on the path of surrender, let go of what is comfortable, what is familiar.

Recognize those areas that you still cling so closely too. Are they getting the best of you? Why? What would letting go look like?

For many of us, the real us is just a few brave acts of surrender away from being realized. The fear, doubt, anxiety, hurt that will need to be worked through are real. However, what’s on the other side of those barriers is worth it.

What is to be had right here, right now, is worth it. If only you would let go and embrace it.



Lucas Wollschlager

Writing about personal excellence, writing, non-traditional education and more