Copywriting and the Art of Fascinations

Lucas Wollschlager
2 min readJan 22, 2021


I’ve been obsessed lately with one particular skill: copywriting.

So today, I’ll dive into one thing I’ve been putting into practice to better my writing.

One of my favorite copywriters is Eddie Shleyner.

Eddie is the Lead Copywriter & Campaign Strategist at G2 and founder of VeryGoodCopy.

Eddie is big on what he calls “the single biggest skill to successful copywriting”: fascinations.

Fascinations are short sentences designed to create intense curiosity in the reader.

Curiosity is a staple to great copy, it’s one of the most used methods to compel action.

Let’s dive into an example from one of the best, Gary Halbert:

From Eddie’s mini-course here!

Pretty straightforward, but there’s a lot to it.

The trick to any good fascination is two-fold:

  1. Tease the value without telling someone what it is.
  2. Embellish the benefit with contrast.

Let’s see how this applies to our statement:

Again, from Eddie’s mini-course here!

First, the statement targets “rookie” entrepreneurs.

This emphasizes the value — “10 easiest markets”.

But notice that you don’t disclose what the markets are.

This creates intrigue.

Second, this is followed by embellishing the benefit of investing in these markets.

Yet, there’s an important twist.

It’s done by contrast: “maximum profit with minimum risk”.

This is a powerful way to move someone from intrigueaction.



If you want to succeed in any career, communicating well is key.

Take it a step further: if you want to sell something, compel people to take action.

Oh, yea, and listen to people like Eddie, they know what’s up when it comes to good copy.

If you’d like to learn more, check out his website, VeryGoodCopy.

Until next time,


— Lucas



Lucas Wollschlager

Writing about personal excellence, writing, non-traditional education and more